Natasha Lyonne(娜塔莎·雷昂)
Natasha Lyonne(娜塔莎·雷昂)
Natasha Lyonne(娜塔莎·雷昂)
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  • Natasha Lyonne(娜塔莎·雷昂)
    生  日: 1979-04-04
    角  色:编剧,演员

    作为演员的电影作品(数量:41)The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle ------- (2008) 
    Outrage ------- (2008) 
    Jelly ------- (2008) 
    Goyband ------- (2008) 
    影片未分级/该片尚未分级/电影未分级 This Film Is Not Yet Rated ------- (2006) 
    My Suicidal Sweetheart ------- (2005) 
    机器人历险记/机器世代/路宝治的世界 Robots ------- (2005) 
    Nightstalkers, Daywalkers & Familiars: Inside the World of Blade Trinity ------- (2005) 
    刀锋战士:三位一体/幽灵刺客3/刀锋战士3/幽灵刺客III 终极尸杀(港) Blade: Trinity ------- (2004) 
    疯院人魔 Madhouse ------- (2004) 
    America Brown ------- (2004) 
    Die, Mommie, Die! ------- (2003) 
    妖精派对/派对怪兽 Party Monster ------- (2003) 
    金鹰酒店之夜 Night at the Golden Eagle ------- (2002) 
    漫画恶棍 Comic Book Villains ------- (2002) 
    心灵推手 ZigZag ------- (2002) 
    Cleavage ------- (2002) 
    Good Times with Cast and Crew of 'American Pie 2' ------- (2002) 
    美国派2 American Pie 2 ------- (2001) 
    隔世情缘/穿越时空爱上你/超越时空的恋情/隔世俏佳人/超越时空爱上你 Kate & Leopold ------- (2001) 
    灰色地带 The Grey Zone ------- (2001) 
    Fast Sofa ------- (2001) 
    失失慌杀人事件 Plan B ------- (2001) 
    惊声尖笑2/恐怖电影2/搞乜鬼夺命杂作2 Scary Movie 2 ------- (2001) 
    女人泡女人/爱你钟情 If These Walls Could Talk 2 ------- (2000) 
    摇滚城市底特律 Detroit Rock City ------- (1999) 
    美国派/美国处男 American Pie ------- (1999) 
    The Auteur Theory ------- (1999) 
    Spotlight on Location: American Pie ------- (1999) 
    Rat Girl ------- (1999) 
    When Autumn Leaves ------- (1999) 
    极速惊魂2:诡娃招供 Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby ------- (1999) 
    Miscellaneous Shit: Behind the Scenes of 'Detroit Rock City' ------- (1999) 
    啦啦队长/恋恋模范生 But I'm a Cheerleader ------- (1999) 
    比佛利山超级警探 Slums of Beverly Hills ------- (1998) 
    现代吸血鬼 Modern Vampires ------- (1998) 
    我们一家都是野蛮人 Krippendorf's Tribe ------- (1998) 
    大家都说我爱你/人人都说我爱你/为你唱情歌 Everyone Says I Love You ------- (1996) 
    淘气阿丹/邻家小鬼 Dennis the Menace ------- (1993) 
    A Man Called Sarge ------- (1990) 
    我心欲焚/心火/情已逝 Heartburn ------- (1986) 
    作为制片人的电影作品(数量:1)极速惊魂2:诡娃招供 Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby ------- (1999) 

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